

Dietitian visit

This service is provided to those of you who:

– reside outside the city of Thessaloniki or abroad
– are unable to visit my office
(e.g. new mums, people with disabilitites, working people)

The procedure is very simple:

  1. You contact me via email ( ) or call me at (+30) 2313 043212.
  2. I send you an email within 24 hours to inform you about the details of my online support service. If you decide to get on board, we proceed to booking your first session on Skype.
  3. Up until the date of your first session, you need to either email me the bank deposit receipt (make sure your name is clearly indicated!) or pay using PayPal.
  4. Browse our e-shop and find detailed descriptions of the online services we provide.

first Skype Session

Make a Skype session from your place!

Skype Sassion

Get a personalized weekly nutrition plan.